SAKE BEAUTY BALM: Shop | Mission | Ingredients | Contact

Do you know what you put on your skin daily?

An average adult (USA) uses about 5-12 personal care products per day, with each containing a multitude of chemicals. That means we’re taking in over 100 chemicals everyday, just through basic personal care products.

You probably already know that studies show how some of these commonly used chemicals are directly linked to cancer, fertility issues, and developmental issues, as well as negative environmental impacts.

The Sake Beauty Balm is made up of 100 % natural ingredients only, including our amazing SAKE! Better for you, and better for earth.

100 % Natural Ingredients Only

  • Premium Sake

    Sake is incredibly hydrating and nourishing, beaming with amino acids, antioxidants, peptides, and many more goodies, known for its naturally beautifying properties. Just to name a few, ferulic acid contained in Sake is known to naturally strengthen skin elasticity. All those antioxidants in Sake protects you from environmental aggressors of air pollution and sun exposure. The fermentation magic of rice turning into Sake, and a special enzyme called Koji (‘Kojic Acid’), are the secret of Sake’s fabulous brightening effects. Just so much goodness, overall!

  • Kokum Butter

    Secret moisturizing Superstar! You may not have heard of this edible superstar yet, as it is relatively more expensive than other similar plant-derived butters, and not as used as Shea Butter or alternatives. It’s an oil harvested from the seeds of a fruit-bearing tree called the kokum tree. Garcinia indica is its scientific name. It is known for its smooth skin absorption without clogging pores, and its soothing properties for acne and inflamed skin. (Photo source: Healthline)

  • Candelilla Wax

    A nourishing Vegan alternative to the commonly used beeswax! Candelilla Wax is hypoallergenic, Vitamin A-rich for healthy cell regeneration, great for soothing frown wrinkles. Incredibly moisturizing for dry skin, yet, it is non-comedogenic, which means, it won’t clog pores. Candelilla Wax also acts as a protective barrier between your skin and the harsh environment.

    Candelilla Wax comes from a lovely shrub called Candelilla, native to Mexico and the US. Its scientific name is Euphorbia Cerifera Cera. (Photo Source: Kew Gardens)

  • Lavender Oil

    Ou la la! The aroma of lavender lifts the spirit! Beaming with antioxidants, Lavender oil helps you protect from the free radicals that are partly responsible for unnecessary frown wrinkles. Lavender oil is also known for its antibacterial and soothing skin powers, showing it could speed up skin repairs after cuts, wounds, and scarring. Great for healthy hair growth too!

  • Coconut Oil

    Another moisturizing rockstar, known for its super powers to kick out ‘bad’ bacteria, thanks to its antimicrobial powers from the naturally present lauric and capric acids. Known to heal dry and cracked skin. Oh, so moisturizing, nourishing, soothing!

Our mission is to nourish you with the fermentation magic of Sake, while supporting the precious 2000-year-old craft.


We stand for gender and racial equality, diversity, honesty, and kindness. 

Full Disclaimer: We can only work with people who share the same values. Thank you.