Kind Words
Grateful for the opportunity to work with such beautiful souls
*Currently being updated. More amazing people joining soon!
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Japan Program
Post-Workshop Survey by participants:
4.69 Rating out of 5.00
Suzanne Vian, Founder, Yoga Vietnam
“Sarika is such a gift to the world, and one of the most interesting women I have ever met. Her laugh and awesome sense of humour will keep you engaged - she is a mesmerising teacher and draws students in with her sheer love of life and incredible enthusiasm in all she does.”
Jovana Benoit, Fashion Designer (USA/Haiti)
“Face Yoga may look like a joke, but it can bring surprising transformative emotional and physical benefits. Learning to strategically release facial tension, in fact, releases the tension and stress in our minds. It can even soften facial wrinkles! Face Yoga brings a sense of happiness and empowerment through increased facial oxygen and blood circulation, laughter, and enhanced facial expressions. Thank you, Sarika for this great method of relaxation.”
Angélica Renée (USA), Founder, Green Luxury Living
“Sarika took my community on a virtual trip to Japan by revealing to us the amazing world of sake and face yoga. She was so engaging and pleasant, we had a wonderful time and learned so much! I absolutely love how her passion for both sake and face yoga come through when she speaks about them, and her dedication to highlight the women in the sake industry is commendable. We both share a love for sustainability and it was wonderful to learn of the many sustainable practices for creating sake today, especially by female brewers! I've been practicing the face yoga poses we learned and I already notice a difference after a week. So grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from you Sarika!”
Belinda Abraham (Canada)
An Empowering Perspective on Beautifully Aging: I had the pleasure of taking part in two of Sarika’s workshops, and left both times feeling positive, having had a good time, learned some things about anatomy and the aging process.
In our Western society which is so focused on youth, it’s nice to see an alternative approach to aging which focusses on practical fun exercises which strengthen facial and neck muscles. The theory part, lays out some basic information on anatomy, anthropology of universal facial expressions and how language influences how we use our facial muscles. The second part focussed on practice with some basic exercises to support strengthening vision and addressing wrinkles and sagginess around the eyes, while others exercises focussed on contours around the mouth and neck. As we all know the virtues of physical exercise, the workshop emphasized the importance of facial muscles exercises for all ages. I enjoyed the sessions and time to time find myself practicing a pose or two in the mirror! "
Udemy 11,525 Students
11,525 Students enrolled in Sarika’s courses
See Sarika Sake on Udemy for details & reviews
Face Yoga Method (USA)
Featured as ‘Success Stories’ of Face Yoga Teachers
London School of Economics
Featured on LSE Generate Entrepreneurship Program
United Nations International School Vietnam
Face Yoga Community Program for 3-consecutive years due to popularity!
Mara Girone, Artist & Entrepreneur (UK / Italy)
It was such an incredible experience. I couldn’t recommend it enough!
Elizabeth Fleming (El Salvador)
“It is amazing how face yoga help reshaping and toning your face, re-train the muscles to be more relaxed and aware of how much tension you carry in your face. I definitely recommend.”
Claudia Marinzi (Italy)
“It was great to participate to Sarika’s Face Yoga workshop! For me it was such an amazing discovery to realize what we can do to tone and lift both our faces and our spirit!
Sarika is such a talented woman and simply being in her company makes your day happy and serene! I highly recommend attending her sessions! Don’t miss out!"
Mutsuko Takahashi, President, Face Yoga Association International (Japan)
以前は国連で働いていて、世界各国で活躍するスーパーウーマン!顔ヨガ指導者養成講座を受講した時はベトナム在住でした。現在は国連を引退して 顔ヨガ&日本酒学講師に転身!好きなことを仕事にする、イキイキ活躍する姿にいつも感動してます。ず~っと顔ヨガ協会会員で、いつも連絡をくれてとっても心優しい女性です❤世界に広まる顔ヨガの輪!
中心人物として、愛ある活動を続けてくれてます。海外に興味がある方、海外在住で情報交換したい方オススメですよ~ ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ是非、オンラインで会ってみてくださいね♪
Sue Babock, Editor, Centered on Taipei Magazine
“Dear Sarika, I just wanted to write to you, to say how much I enjoyed learning about sake, yesterday. The participants were very happy with your workshop. I enjoyed watching as they became more and more enthusiastic with the new information that they were experiencing. It was fun.
Thank you for allowing me to attend the second part of the workshop, even though I did not taste any sake. I was truly impressed by several things.
The first was how the workshop was carefully structured...a friendly warmup exercise, a self introduction, the creative and very clear powerpoint slides to help people connect all the information that you were sharing, the summary, explaining what had been covered and what new learnings had taken place and them a Q & A period. Well structure and absolutely delightful."
Claudine Kloetzli, Artist Switzerland/Spain
Thanks to you Sarika!! You were Fabulous yesterday evening! What a success 👏 amazing speaker and sake specialist wow 🍶
♥️Congratulations amazing sake specialist and fabulous entertainer ♥️♥️♥️ I would give you 12/10